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Get a real-time price quote for a stock.




Request Example

Response Example

"s": "ok",
"symbol": ["AAPL"],
"ask": [149.08],
"askSize": [200],
"bid": [149.07],
"bidSize": [600],
"mid": [149.07],
"last": [149.09],
"volume": [66959442],
"updated": [1663958092]

Request Parameters

  • symbol string

    The company's ticker symbol.

Response Attributes

  • s string

    Will always be ok when there is data for the symbol requested.

  • symbol array[string]

    The symbol of the stock.

  • ask array[number]

    The ask price of the stock.

  • askSize array[number]

    The number of shares offered at the ask price.

  • bid array[number]

    The bid price.

  • bidSize array[number]

    The number of shares that may be sold at the bid price.

  • mid array[number]

    The midpoint price between the ask and the bid.

  • last array[number]

    The last price the stock traded at.

  • change array[number]

    The difference in price in dollars (or the security's currency if different from dollars) compared to the closing price of the previous day.

  • changepct array[number]

The difference in price in percent, expressed as a decimal, compared to the closing price of the previous day. For example, a 30% change will be represented as 0.30.

  • 52weekHigh array[number]

    The 52-week high for the stock. This parameter is omitted unless the optional 52week request parameter is set to true.

  • 52weekLow array[number]

    The 52-week low for the stock. This parameter is omitted unless the optional 52week request parameter is set to true.

  • volume array[number]

    The number of shares traded during the current session.

  • updated array[date]

    The date/time of the current stock quote.