The Market Data API provides a comprehensive suite of options endpoints, designed to cater to various needs around options data. These endpoints are designed to be flexible and robust, supporting both real-time and historical data queries. They accommodate a wide range of optional parameters for detailed data retrieval, making the Market Data API a versatile tool for options traders and financial analysts.
Root Endpoint For Options
Options Endpoints
📄️ Expirations
Get a list of current or historical option expiration dates for an underlying symbol. If no optional parameters are used, the endpoint returns all expiration dates in the option chain.
📄️ Lookup
Generate a properly formatted OCC option symbol based on the user's human-readable description of an option. This endpoint converts text such as "AAPL 7/28/23 $200 Call" to OCC option symbol format: AAPL230728C00200000. The user input must be URL-encoded.
📄️ Strikes
Get a list of current or historical options strikes for an underlying symbol. If no optional parameters are used, the endpoint returns the strikes for every expiration in the chain.
📄️ Option Chain
Get a current or historical end of day options chain for an underlying ticker symbol. Optional parameters allow for extensive filtering of the chain. Use the optionSymbol returned from this endpoint to get quotes, greeks, or other information using the other endpoints.
📄️ Quotes
Get a current or historical end of day quote for a single options contract.