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Generate a properly formatted OCC option symbol based on the user's human-readable description of an option. This endpoint converts text such as "AAPL 7/28/23 $200 Call" to OCC option symbol format: AAPL230728C00200000. The user input must be URL-encoded.




Request Example

Response Example

"s": "ok",
"optionSymbol": "AAPL230728C00200000"

Request Parameters

  • userInput string

    The human-readable string input that contains (1) stock symbol (2) strike (3) expiration date (4) option side (i.e. put or call). This endpoint will translate the user's input into a valid OCC option symbol.

Response Attributes

  • s string

    Status will always be ok when the OCC option symbol is successfully generated.

  • optionSymbol string

    The generated OCC option symbol based on the user's input.


  • This endpoint will return an error if the option symbol that would be formed by the user's input does not exist.