The troubleshooting section is designed to help you solve common issues that may occur during your use of the Google Sheets Add-on.
Troubleshooting Resources
📄️ Common Error Messages
From time to time you may encounter different error messages while using the Google Sheets Add-On. These messages are almost always due to limitations that Google places on Sheets Add-ons, which have certain limitations that most users are not aware of. By learning about the limitations Google has placed on your use of Add-ons, you will be able to avoid these common errors in the future.
📄️ Urlfetch Errors
Urlfetch is the service that Google Add-Ons use to fetch data from an external service (such as Market Data). The limit is set by Google on a per account basis. Consumer accounts (gmail) have a limit of 20,000 urlfetch calls per day, while business accounts (Google Workspace) can make up to 100,000 urlfetch calls daily.
📄️ Multiple Google Accounts Error
Google does not support multi-login with Google Workspace Add-ons. Google's official statement on the issue:
📄️ Excessive Refreshing
Due to Google's strict quota on urlfetch requests, unwanted refreshing of cells can become troublesome. Google will refresh your spreadsheet if any of the following take place:
📄️ Mobile Devices
Google Workspace Add-ons are not supported on mobile devices yet. This means there is no way to launch the Market Data sidebar on your mobile device. However, if you would like to use our service on your mobile device there are several workarounds you can try. Our custom formulas like STOCKDATA and OPTIONDATA will work on your mobile device.
📄️ Price Differences
You may notice that from time to time prices differ when using Market Data compared to Google Finance, TradingView, Yahoo Finance, or other financial websites, especially after hours. This is normal and it to be expected since those platforms display real-time prices using trades (i.e. the last trade or closing price), while Market Data displays real-time prices using quotes.